Welcome to our group! If you have just joined us, here is some key information.
Download our welcome pack
Subs of £9.75 per child per month are paid by internet transfer.
Account Name : MPCS &GG (note the space between S and &)
Account Number: 65972636
Sort Code : 08-92-99
Please add a reference e.g. Sub for <child name>)
Paying on time means we can spend our time focussed on activities rather than chasing monies. Email treasurer@mpcsg.co.uk with any payment questions you may have.
Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer, please also complete a Gift Aid Declaration Letter Form so we can claim an additional 25% from HMRC.
Check with the Section Leader where to buy uniform.
For Beaver/Cub/Scout sections we recommend the district scout shop open Tuesdays between 7pm and 9pm – 32 West Bond Street Macclesfield SK11 8EQ
Keeping informed
Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/6MSGG/ to keep up to date.
This is a closed group so please fill in the questions to request to join.
Complaints and feedback
Email gsl@mpcsg.co.uk or chair@mpcsg.co.uk if you have any concerns, feedback or need to make a complaint.
One of the questions we get asked is “where can I find out more about badges?” All our sections include badge attainment in their programmes, but there are lots more that your child can work towards away from the section meeting… just bring in the required evidence for a leader to review. Your child can also help influence the section programme by letting leaders know what badges they are interested in doing; we can’t promise to do everything asked but if you don’t ask then we won’t be able to look at it!
Guiding Sections have a great “Badge Finder” : https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/…/our-badges-…/badge-finder/…
Beavers: https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/search/…
Cubs: https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/search/…
Scouts: https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/search/…
Scouting section members can review badge attainment on an ongoing basis through My.Scout on the OSM system.
Supporting us…
Tell us how we are doing! Of course we love to know what we are getting right, but it’s also important to know what we can improve as well (especially if you can help us with making the
improvement!). Please do take the time to get to know the section leaders when you drop of and collect your young people from meetings… even a simple “Thank you” can go a long way after an evening of co-ordinating energetic youngsters. Remember we are all volunteers!
Join in, lend a hand.
Every little bit of help we get is appreciated. Do you have skills or a special hobby you could share with us? Can you manage projects, help with DIY, help tidy the garden, butter some sarnies on camp? Let us know how you can help. Don’t wait to be asked!
Attend our AGM events and parades.
Details of these events go out in advance; and it’s a great way for us to be seen in the community and take pride in who we are and what we do. We ask for full attendance at these events from all our sections.
Easyfundraising – if you shop online please visit our easy fundraising site and click through to your favourite retailer… we get some donations at no charge to you for this.