Category Archives: Other Documents

Explorer Scout Partnership Agreement

Zulu Explorer Scout Unit Partnership Agreement
V1.0 Final.   October 2017

  1. Introduction
    • This agreement is between the Macclesfield and Congleton Scout District, the Macclesfield Parish Church Scout and Guide Group and the Zulu Explorer Scout Unit
    • Membership of the Unit is open to any member of The Scout Association aged 13½ to 18 years old inclusive.
    • Management of the Group is the responsibility of the Group Scout Leader. Management of the Explorer Scout Unit rests with the District Explorer Scout Commissioner
    • Should any numbers of any District Explorer Scout Unit fall below ten the District will review the viability and locations of Units.
  2. Liaison between the Unit and the Group
    • Effective liaison between the Group and Zulu Explorer Scout Unit is important. The Zulu Unit Explorer Scout Leaders are expected to attend Group Leaders’ Meetings. In addition, the Zulu Unit Explorer Scout Leader is invited to attend the Group Council Committee Meetings. The DESC and / or DC or any other nominated District representative may also attend these meetings.
  3. Links between the Scout Troop and the Explorer Scout Section
    • The Scout Leader and Explorer Scout Leader will meet at least 3 times a year to plan linking between the two Sections.
    • The Scout Leader and the District Explorer Scout Commissioner will ensure that effective transfer of Members takes place. The aim is for ALL Scouts to become Explorer Scouts. This will be helped by regular communication between the Scout Leader and the Explorer Scout Leader and joint activities between the sections.
    • Every year, the Group Scout Leader will provide details of Scouts aged 13 and over to the District Explorer Scout Administrator.
    • A Scout may choose to join any Explorer Scout Unit. This Agreement does not mean that Scouts should only join the Unit partnered with this Group. It is recognised that Scouts may join one or more Explorer Scout Unit(s). It is anticipated that one Explorer Scout Young Leader will work with each feeder Troop for the Unit to maintain links between Scouts and Explorer sections.
    • The Unit must wear the District Explorer Scout neckerchief and name tape.
  4. Equipment, facilities and resources
    • The Explorer Scout Unit will meet at the Group HQ on Station Street, Macclesfield, which is the property of the Macclesfield Parish Church Scout and Guide Group. [The financial arrangements for providing the meeting place are the responsibility of the Group, not the Zulu Explorer Scout Unit.
    • The Group will provide building access keys to the Unit Leader, including access to the QM stores.
    • The Explorer Scout Unit will normally meet at 8:15pm every Thursday. The Unit may also use the meeting place at other times, ensuring that the Group’s booking procedure is followed.
    • The Scout Group will provide the Unit with access to tents, equipment and other resources as agreed in line with the Group booking procedures. The Explorer Unit will make good any damage to Group equipment where an insurance claim is not required and any excess charge where a claim is required. The Group is responsible for ensuring equipment is insured for use by the Explorer Scout Unit under the normal insurance policy. There will be no charge to the unit for the use of equipment belonging to the Group; however, where Calor gas is used for camping it is expected the gas will be refilled; costs met out of the camp/event budget.
    • The Unit will support the Group in providing QM stores management. This includes assisting with checking and labelling all tent equipment, ensuring gas stocks do not run low, ensuring shelves are labelled clearly, equipment stowed correctly, and any damage and faults are reported to the Group Quartermaster.
    • The Group Quartermaster is responsible for ensuring that equipment is booked out and booked in and ensuring any damage/repair work is carried out. Where the group has no quartermaster appointed the responsibilities fall to the Group Executive Committee.
    • The Scout Group will, in the event of the Unit’s closure, have ownership of any shared equipment. Any other resources will go to the District Scout Council
    • If the District or County use the Group’s specialist equipment, normal charges will apply
  5. Financial management and rent
    • The Explorer Scout Unit will manage its own finances in accordance with requirements set out by the DESC
    • The Unit’s capitation will be collected by the Unit and paid directly to the District Treasurer when requested. Where an explorer scout is a full time Young Leader in one of the group sections, the group will refund the cost of the capitation to the individual Young Leader.
    • The Unit will support both Group and District in Fundraising events. The Unit will host 1 District Explorer Scout event per year open to all District Explorer Scouts and Young Leaders. The Group will ensure that the Unit are invited to at least 1 group-wide event per year.
    • A building rental of £360 per year (£120 per term) will be charged; payable annually in February in arrears. This rate includes a 10% reduction providing QM stores are maintained in accordance with clause 4.5 above. The rate will be reviewed annually in April at the start of each fiscal accounting period, as part of the partnership agreement review.
  6. Review
    • This agreement will be reviewed by all annually (every April) or if there is a change of any of the persons holding the roles below:

Signed 12th Oct 2017
M Brown GSL
C Bennett ESL
M Taylor DESC

Group Constitution and Policies – 2017

The Constitution and Policies of the Macclesfield Parish Church Scout and Guide Group (MPCSG)

Revision date:  May 2017 v1.1  (FINAL)

Section 1 – Group Constitution

The Group Constitution document outlines the structure of the Scout and Guide Group, it’s organisation and any specific local policies.     It complements existing content of Scouting’s P.O.R. and the Girlguiding Manual.    In the event of any contradiction between these documents, the national organisation rules take precedent.

1.1 The Macclesfield Parish Church Scout and Guide Group incorporates:

Scout Association:  6th Macclesfield Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts
Girlguiding UK:       2nd Macclesfield Rainbow Guides, Brownie Guides, Guides and Seniors
Scout Active Support team

1.2 For section and association events, each section should use the section titles above, or the group name.   The group name may be abbreviated to “Macc Parish” where required.

1.3 For Group activities and concerns, all sections should work in conjunction with the Group Scout Leader and the Group Executive Committee.

1.4 The Group Executive Committee.   

1.4.1      The Executive Committee is the electoral body which supports Scouting and Guiding in the Group, and comprises the registered Group Trustees.    Group Trustees are registered with the Charities Commission and are responsible for the overall management of the Group.   Trustees are legally required to ensure that good practice is followed; Trustees who act in breach of their legal duties can be held responsible for consequences that flow from such a breach and for any loss the charity incurs as a result.    Further details can be found on the Charities Commission Website.

1.4.2 All members of the Group Executive Committee must be aged 18 or over and have a valid disclosure and barring service (DBS) clearance.

1.4.3. Trustees must complete any required training for the Scout Association and/or Guide Association as defined in Scouting’s P.O.R. and/or The Guiding Manual

1.4.4   The Group Executive committee is led by the Group Chairman and consists of the following members:

  • The Group Chairman
  • The Group Treasurer
  • The Group Secretary
  • The Group Scout Leader
  • The Assistant Group Scout Leader (representing the leadership of the Scouting section leaders)
  • The Assistant Group Guide Leader (representing the leadership of the Guiding section leaders)

1.4.5 Section leaders and other members of the Group Steering Committee may also sit on the Executive committee if expressly requested either orally or in writing and agreed at the AGM; however they must adhere to the Executive Committee requirements outlined in this document.

1.4.6 The Group Scout Leader may also nominate additional trustees orally in writing and these must be agreed at the AGM.   The number of nominated members must not exceed the number of elected members.

1.4.7 The Group Executive Committee can also co-opt members to the Executive orally or in writing, and these must be agreed at the AGM.   The number of co-opted members must not exceed the number of elected members.

1.4.8 With the exception of the Group Scout Leader, Trustee appointments are made annually by election at the Group Annual General Meeting.  Each requires a nomination and a seconder, as well as a majority vote.

1.4.9 Membership of the Trustees Committee ceases upon:

  • Resignation of the member
  • Dissolution of the council
  • Termination of membership by headquarters following a recommendation by the Group Executive Committee
  • Termination of membership by headquarters for any other reason

1.4.10 In the event of a headquarters membership suspension; membership of the Group Executive Committee is suspended; and re-instated only when headquarters suspension is lifted.

1.4.11  Scout and Guide association Commissioners and District Chairpersons have right of attendance at any meeting of the Group Executive.

1.4.12 Meetings of the Group Executive Committee can be called at any time, no less than three times yearly. They are led by the Group Chairman, and arranged by the Group Secretary.


1.5 The Group Council.

1.5.1      The Group Council is the body which supports Scouting and Guiding in the Group, and holds the Group Trustees and Group Scout Leader accountable for actions taken in the group.
1.5.2 Membership of the Group Council is open to:

  • Group Trustees
  • Section Leaders and their assistants
  • Group Active Support Members
  • Skills instructors and advisors
  • Administrators
  • Youth members
  • Parents (represented by section parent representatives)
  • A representative of Macclesfield Parish Church
  • Explorer scout leaders where a partnership agreement exists

1.5.3 The Scout and Guide District Commissioners and District Chairpersons are ex-officio members of the Group Council.

1.5.4 Membership of the Group Steering Committee ceases upon:

  • Resignation of the member
  • Dissolution of the council
  • Termination of membership by headquarters following a recommendation by the Group Executive Committee
  • Termination of membership by headquarters for any other reason

1.5.5 In the event of a headquarters membership suspension; membership of the Group Council is suspended; and re-instated only when headquarters suspension is lifted.

1.5.6 Meetings of the Group Council can be called at any time, no less than twice yearly. They are led by the Group Chairman, and arranged by the Group Secretary.


1.6 Additional committees

1.6.1 The Group Executive Committee may appoint additional sub committees where needed, for example where additional fundraising or projects are identified.

1.6.2 The Group Scout Leader and Group Chairman are ex-officio members of any sub-committee

1.6.3 Any fundraising committee must include two members of the Group Executive Committee in addition to ex-officio members.   No section leader or assistant section leader may server on a fundraising committee.


1.7 Section Leaders Meetings

1.7.1 Section Leaders meetings are chaired by the nominated leader of the section and are open to all section leaders, assistants and section volunteers.

17.2. Section meetings take place once a term as a minimum.     Minutes of meetings are sent to the Group secretary for filing.




2.0 Complaints process

2.0.1  The Group Scout Leader is responsible for following up any complaints relating to the group or its sections.

2.0.2 All complaints are handled in confidence; however Scouting or Guiding Commissioners will be contacted where appropriate for assistance and guidance.

2.0.3 Any issues relating to safeguarding will be handled according to the processes of the Scout Association or GirlGuidingUK.

2.0.4 Where a complaint is made against the Group Scout Leader, the Group Chairman takes responsibility for follow up.


2.1 Group Financial management

2.1.1 All financial activities of all sections are managed through the Group Treasurer

2.1.2 All expenditure over £50 requires approval from the Group Treasurer and the Group Scout Leader.

2.1.3  All income and expenditure must be documented on the appropriate forms provided by the Group Treasurer.

2.1.4 Any sponsored event forms must include the Group name, registered charity number, and provide opportunity for gift aid declaration.   A standard template is available from the treasurer for this purpose.


2.2 Building custodianship

2.2.1 All sections are responsible for the general upkeep and cleanliness of the hall, and will ensure the hall is left in a sound condition at the end of each meeting.

2.2.2 Any safety concerns or maintenance issues must be reported to the Group Scout Leader and Building Manager immediately by phone or email.


2.3 Photograph, Internet and Social Media Policy

2.3.1 Photographs of the young people may be taken during events and activities for publicity and training documentation purposes.

2.3.2 Photographs may be used in the press, on the website and/or on social media sites providing that individuals are not identified by full name.

2.3.3 Parents may opt out of the photograph policy by written notice to the section leader, who has a duty to inform others in the group of the opt out.

2.3.4 Photograph opt out may not be possible to control at large scale events or in public locations.

2.3.5 Content posted on social media groups and the website will be removed on request from parents/guardians.

2.3.6 Parent email addresses will be added periodically to the news mailing list for the group.   Removal from the group will be actioned on request.



This constitution and policy document is dated 17th June 2017 and was ratified and adopted at the Group A.G.M.


Date of next review: June 2018